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Ambry Manual: Top ~ Up ~ Next ~ Previous

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What's new: Interface enhancements

Rearrangement of pop-up values and characteristics

You can now arrange the pop-up values for a simple property and the characteristics of a characteristics property by dragging them into the order you want them in.

Key selection of items

By typing the first few letters of an item in any of the list windows, you can select items in the window.

New ways to open and save files

If you are running Mac OS 8.5, new Open and Save dialog boxes give you more options when you're opening and saving documents. These dialog boxes let you

Localized display of decimal values

Numeric values are now formatted using the localized formatting (as set in the Numbers control panel).

HTML Documentation

Documentation (you're reading it) is now provided in HTML format. Huge chunks of it have also been completely rewritten to be easier to understand and updated to actually describe the most recent version of Ambry.

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